Lutyens Media is a popular term in today’s politicology. The ruling BJP, its supporters and other nationalists use the term against the people they oppose. What does it mean?
Lutyens comes from the British days. Edwin Lutyens is the architect who designed New Delhi when the British decided to move their capital from Calcutta to New Delhi.
When the new capital was formed, its administrators were incapable of administering. The only criteria that existed in those days (1930s) was the color of the skin. They hated Indians. And most importantly, they were dull, quaint and had questionable intellect.
The seat of Indian power in New Delhi consisting of the parliament, Rajbhavan, the secretariat and other palatial building in the area are referred to as Lutyens Delhi. The people in the area controlled India, and were very powerful.
These people were able to control the narrative and shape the words of the media. The media they controlled came to be known as Lutyens media.
PM Narendra Modi made it popular as he used it often against the left leaning journalists. Some of the anchors and editors who he targeted were Burkha Dutt, Rajdeep Sardesai, Prannoy Roy, Sagarika Ghose and Shekhar Gupta.
It is true that the Lutyens media has been against the BJP and has rooted for the Congress, Communists and other parties that are not aligned to the right wing. Every action taken by the government is viewed through the lens of pessimism, and in other words, glass was always half empty rather than half full.

See the example of the Bogibeel bridge which connects trains and roadways across Brahmaputra between Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. The bridge reduces the travel time by about 10 hours. While the people of the region rejoiced the Lutyens media shamelessly reported nothing but loss of livelihood for the fishermen.

These days, we have two sets of journalists. The lutyens media remains and there is the emergence of the right journalism (not right vs left but meaning correct). Arnab Goswami, Navika Kumar and Rajat Sharma belong to this group. There are other sympathizers such as Mohandas Pai who takes potshots against the lutyens media on a daily basis.
The lutyens media is also called as Khan Market Gang, a term made famous by none other than PM Modi during electioneering.
Modi was also quoted by the Indian Express, “Modi’s image has not been created by the Khan Market gang, or Lutyens Delhi, but 45 years of his toil… good or bad. You cannot dismantle it.” Lutyens Delhi and Lutyens Media refer to the set of left leaning good for nothing people.
Khan Market is a market in Delhi which is post, and is one of the most expensive areas in the capital region. When Modi won the election in May 2019, his supporters celebrated the feat in Khan Market just for the kicks.
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Excellent explanation,with good examples
The Lutyens know very well who they are working for, why they are paid for, which are the foreign power and money behind all what that they do to weaken India.
But there’s no need to be worried as long as our people get to know their agenda and as long as the people of this nation remain nationalist.
But the problem lies with people like Vivek who also made a comment in favour of the Lutyens without going deeper to find out some reasons mich more important than a handful of fishermen occupied in that region.
First I fail to understand how a bridge across a river could harm the fishing activities. Next I would like to cite just one example out of many such examples,as to how this bridge has helped any Indian including me who live in a place thousands of miles away from the bridge in question. Did people like Vivek every try to think how much fuel per day is being saved by the constitution of one’such bridge? This means that the constitution of one bridge has saved a lot of foreign currency expenditure. This is just one good reason, there are many more such reasons.
One more thing I would like Vivek and people like him to observe. Now when there is tremendous amount of tension along the borders, how many of the Lutyens party have come down on the streets to shout as they do to encourage the Government and to increase the integrity of our people. If they have not done so, then it should not be difficult for Mr. Vivek and others like him to guess who these Lutyens shout for,write for and do whatever they are doing.
Thanks to those who chose to read the whole of my comment.
And now the truth has come out. How Arnab was attacking Lutyens as anti-nationalists but turned out to be the biggest ani-national of India, rejoicing at the deaths of brave soldiers who were murdered for election wins and trp ratings.
Leo – that never happened.
Now I understand the exact meaning and the history behind the word Lutyens
Construction* of the bridge you mean but your English is league’s ahead of your general wit and gumption
If there’s loss of livelihoods of boatmen or fishermen’s then it should be brought to the notice to public, u can’t call that as Lutyens media. Govt should accept that if there’s such problems emerging & should take an intermediate desicions which helps the fishermens too. U just can’t go on saying that it’s a lutyens media.
Thank you for explaining. It is appreciated, indeed.
Unfortunately, it is the biggest set back for INDIA. Motherland INDIA can do much better, if we cooperate , work together and work diligently. There are too many naysayers, dishonest and very, very corrupted politicians in India. There are very few honest and hard working politicians in India and Sri N. Modi ji is one of them. Modi ji has done an excellent job for India. We, the NRI are very proud of our stalwart and honest prime minister.
Jai Hind
Bharat Mata Ki Jai.
It’s surely seems that you or Indiancritic doest know who are doing good journalism..and please never call Arnab ,Navika and Rajat as journalidt since the only thing they know is Heckling or Shouting..and sympathizing Right-wing parties….. Because of these people True Journalism is on the verge of extinction…
It seems that Indiancritic is also a right wing party supporter….
Very biased article
Come on! It’s a great article!
Lutyens media r nothing but a great support to the useless parties like INC.
Didn’t Ravish Kumar gave this word?